Mostrando registros 1-20 de 20

      incurred-but-not-yet-reported loss amount; reported loss amount; asymptotic claim reporting rate; catastrophic loss index; nominal claim reporting rate [1]
      Indice temático [1]
      Insurance agreement; insurance policy; Liability insurance [1]
      Insurance companies; evolution of insurance companies; insurance; history; Havana; company; XIX century [1]
      Insurance companies; judgments; compensation(law); Insurance; action; insurance companies; judgment [1]
      Insurance companies; legislation; Colombia; Regulation; insurance companies; state intervention [1]
      Insurance contract; arbitration awards; arbitration tribunals; Prescription; prescription´s objective or tradicional notion (or concept); prescription´s subjective or modern notion (or concept); Estoppel Theory [1]
      Insurance contract; arbitration; arbitration tribunals; Prescription; prescription’s objective or traditional notion (or concept); prescription’s subjective or modern notion (or concept); Estoppel Theory [1]
      Insurance contract; damages; insurance; liability; civil liability insurance policy; victim’s direct action against the insured party; experience in Colombia [1]
      Insurance contract; good faith; bad faith; fraud; non-disclosure and misrepresentation; coexistence of insurance; overinsurance [1]
      Insurance law; damages; indemnification of damages; duty of redress; redress; sanctioning; civil liability [1]
      Insurance policy law (LCS); consumers; suppliers; consumption relation; protection; impact measures [1]
      Insurance policy; commercial business; amending legislation; expansion [1]
      insurance trade, liberalization of insurance services, trade insurance, services. [1]
      insurance-linked securities; incurred-but-not-yet-reported loss amount; reported loss amount; asymptotic claim reporting rate; catastrophic loss index; geometric Brownian motion [1]
      Insurance; contract; act; draft bill; insurer; insured; automatic; suspension; coverage; delay; payment; premium; waiting period; customer; written notice; rescinding; indemnity; massive contracts [1]
      Insurance; contract; act; rules; interpretation; hermeneutics; bill; insurer; insured; contractor; sources; clauses; equivocal; ambiguous; dark; restrictive; indemnity; good faith; insurance interest; adequate cause [1]
      Insurance; liability insurance; tort law; road traffic accidents; judicial activism [1]
      Insurancecompanies; debtais; default; insolvency; guarantee; insolvency; credit insurance; financial insurance [1]
      Interpretación del contrato; Interpretación del seguro; Póliza de seguro; Condiciones generales; Condiciones particulares; Prevalencia de las condiciones particulares; Reglas de interpretación; Hermenéutica Contractual [1]