Sfoglia Artículos per Data di Pubblicazione
Items 1-20 di 82
Primary empathy deficits in frontotemporal dementia
(2014)Loss of empathy is an early central symptom and diagnostic criterion of the behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD). Although changes in empathy are evident and strongly affect the social functioning of bvFTD ... -
Developing a social cognition task for fmri in patients with mild traumatic brain injury
(2016)Social cognition impairments are frequently found in patients with mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) when structural lesions may not reveal the severity of the injury. Though instruments used to assess social behavior are ... -
Trastornos depresivos y de ansiedad y factores asociados en la población adulta colombiana, encuesta nacional de salud mental 2015
(2016)Mental disorders are the first causes of disability adjusted life years (DALY), contributing with the 7.4%. This value increases as the DALYs of the transmittable diseases decrease. -
Non-pharmacological treatment of insomnia
(2017)Insomnia is the most frequent sleep disorder and is often associated with psychiatric disorders. This diagnosis is made when the predominant complaint is difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or non-restorative sleep, ... -
Increased moral condemnation of accidental harm in institutionalized adolescents
(2018)Social deprivation, as faced by children in institutional rearing, involves socio-cognitive deficits that may persist into adolescence. In particular, two relevant domains which prove sensitive to pre-adult neurodevelopment ... -
The interplay between sharing behavior and beliefs about others in children during dictator games
(2018)Previous studies in adults demonstrated that beliefs and sharing decisions in social scenarios are closely related. However, to date, little is known about the development of this relationship in children. By using a ... -
Social cognition dysfunctions in neurodegenerative diseases : neuroanatomical correlates and clinical implications
(2018)Social cognitive function, involved in the perception, processing, and interpretation of social information, has been shown to be crucial for successful communication and interpersonal relationships, thereby significantly ... -
El papel de la valoración de los sucesos vitales estresantes en el Trastorno Depresivo Mayor
(2018-07-29)Introducción: El Trastorno depresivo mayor (TDM) es una enfermedad multifactorial en la que, por interacción con diversas variables, se incrementa la vulnerabilidad a padecerla. Diversos modelos han explicado las interacciones, ... -
Short exposure to a foreign accent impacts subsequent cognitive processes
(2019)Although speaking a foreign language is undoubtedly an asset, foreign-accented speakers are usually perceived negatively. It is unknown, however, to what extent this bias impacts cognitive processes. Here, we used ERPs and ... -
Out of context, beyond the face : neuroanatomical pathways of emotional face-body language integration in adolescent offenders
(2019)Background: Adolescent offenders (AOs) are characterized by social-norm transgression and aggressive behaviors. Those traits have been associated with alterations in socio-cognitive processes, including facial emotion ... -
Skin picking disorder in a woman with polyarteritis nodosa. Case report
(2019)Introduction: Excoriation (skin picking) disorder is included in the DSM-5 in the obsessive compulsive and related disorders category. It is defined as the recurrent urge to touch, scratch, scrape, scrub, rub, squeeze, ... -
Disarming ex-combatants' minds : toward situated reintegration process in post-conflict Colombia
(2019)Collective violence in the context of armed conflict impacts the economy, health systems, and social stability of affected countries. This is considered a complex phenomenon with interwoven biological, psychological, social, ... -
Renal graft embolization as a treatment for graft intolerance syndrome
(2020)Background. Renal graft intolerance syndrome is an inflammatory process that occurs in up to 40% of patients with graft loss. It is characterized by fever, graft pain, hematuria, and anemia. Traditionally, the treatment ... -
Network of actors involved in the identification, care, and follow-up of unhealthy alcohol use in primary care in Colombia
(2020)This article explores the structure of the network of actors involved in the care of individuals with unhealthy alcohol use (UAU) at the primary care level in five primary care centers in Colombia between 2017 and 2018. ... -
Encuesta a psiquiatras y residentes de psiquiatría en Colombia sobre sus prácticas preventivas y terapéuticas del delirium
(2020-02-20)Objetivo describir las prácticas farmacológicas y no farmacológicas para el delirium, realizadas por residentes de psiquiatría y psiquiatras en Colombia. Resultados Participaron 101 clínicos. Las medidas preventivas ...