Commentary to Outcome of end cutaneous ureterostomy (ECU) as a non conservative option in the management of primary obstructive megaureters (POM)

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2019-03-22Autor(es) Corporativo(s)
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de Cirugía y Especialidades. Grupo de Investigación de Cirugía y Especialidades
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1477-5131 / 1873-4898 (Electrónico)
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Authors present the results of a retrospective case series of patients who underwent end cutaneous ureterostomy (ECU) for obstructive megaureters (OMUs) during a 10-year period. Their results are comparable with those of other series of cases that have been described before [ 1 ]. The mean age at the moment of diversion was 7 months. Our position with regard to the potential damage that obstruction can cause to renal units in the early years of life implies to take actions sooner rather than later, and we are pleased to see that authors decided to do diversions at an early age.
Enlace al recurso!Fuente
Journal of Pediatric Urology; Volumen 15 Número 3 , Páginas 294 - 295 (2019)
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