Now showing items 21-26 of 26

    • The natural history of solitary post-nephrectomy kidney in a pediatric population 

      Sánchez Basto, Catalina; Puerto Niño, Angie Katherine; Fernandez, Nicolas; Castillo Arteaga, Mariangel; Espitaleta, Zilac; Quintero Gómez, Ana María; Perez Niño, Jaime (2019-08-10)
      Introduction: Children with a solitary post-nephrectomy kidney (SNK) are at potential risk of developing kidney disease later in life. In response to the global decline in the number of nephrons, adaptive mechanisms lead ...
    • Concordance between estimated glomerular filtration rate using equations and that measured using an imaging method 

      Gonzalez Gonzalez, Camilo Alberto; Durán Camero, Alejandro; Vargas, María Teresa; García Padilla, Paola Karina; Contreras, Kateir; Rodríguez, Patricia (2021-01)
      Antecedentes: Las guías clínicas recomiendan estimar la tasa de filtración glomerular (TFG) usando ecuaciones basadas en la creatinina sérica. Objetivo: Estudiar la concordancia entre la TFG medida usando un método de ...