El flujo del perdón en la comunidad kamëntsá como principio de discernimiento espiritual para el perdón y la reconciliación
Diaz López, YefrenEvaluators
Santo, P. JosePublisher
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Facultad de Teología
Licenciatura en Teología
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Tesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado
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The presence of forgiveness in the Kamentsa community as a principle of spiritual discernment for the encounter and reconciliation in the classroomResumen
El Carnaval del Perdón, a pesar de ser una fiesta culturizada por la Iglesia Católica y los colonos europeos, no ha perdido su esencia de ser una celebración alegre, con un ambiente de fiesta donde un sentimiento de rencor y odio puede convertirse en toda una celebración que nos lleva a la paz con la que todos soñamos un día. Esta celebración ha sido reconocida por el Congreso de Colombia mediante la Ley 1550 del 5 de julio de 2012 como patrimonio cultural, por lo que los indígenas Kamëntsá se han comprometido a transmitir esta celebración a las nuevas generaciones, y en el caso de esta investigación a orientar desde una propuesta pedagógica la solución de los conflictos en el aula de educación bilingüe.
The main festival of the Kamëntsá community is the Carnival of Forgiveness. Despite being a festival whose origins the Catholic Church and the European settlers established, it has not lost its essence of being a joyful celebration, with a festive atmosphere, where a feeling of resentment and hatred can become part of a celebration, leading one to achieve the peace that one is looking for or has dreamt of throughout their lives. That is to say, it is an event that provides reconciliation with those they encounter, using their own language, kamëntsá villa and expressed by indigenous speakers, those who have remained faithful to their culture and customs despite the fact that they were historically repressed throughout their history.
For this reason, this celebration has been recognized by the Colombian Congress through Law 1550 of July 5, 2012 as part of the country’s cultural heritage and because of that, the Kamëntsá indigenous people have committed themselves to transmitting this celebration to new generations.
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